As a premier provider of medical training and education technologies, Anatomage is honored to collaborate with our partners at Wisconsin HOSA to organize an Anatomy Tournament for the 2025 SLC.
Students- Join us for LIVE Preliminary Rounds April 6th-7th. Divisions for Secondary and Post Secondary.
The Final 4 Teams will advance to the Championship on April 7th!
During the event, participants will receive an introduction to the Anatomage Table, get digital hands-on experience with our technology and compete to test their knowledge of anatomy.
Anatomical systems included in competition: skeletal (bones, bony landmarks, and ligaments), muscular, digestive, respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular (heart and major blood vessels), nervous (brain, spinal cord, and major nerves), and more!
Team-based Competition (3-4 members per team, two teams per school are welcome)
Prizes awarded to the Top 4 Teams!
Top 4 teams (secondary division) qualify to compete in the National
Anatomage Tournament!
April 6: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CST
(Post-Secondary Only)
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(Secondary Only)
April 7: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm CST
(Secondary Only)
Top 4 & Championships:
April 7: 3:00 pm CST