Fall Leadership Conferences
Middle School & Secondary Divisions
Take part in this 1-day event to meet your Executive Council, consult with industry experts to follow a patient through their care plan, and attend HOSA-focused sessions lead by your state officer team! By the end of the conference, you will have learned about different careers, how a healthcare team operates through a patient case scenario, and how you can grow your HOSA leadership skills.

Conference Logistics
CONFERENCE DATES & LOCATIONS *Select one location to attend
Wednesday, November 6th - Verona, Epic Campus
Thursday, November 7th - Oshkosh, UW Oshkosh
8:30-9:00 Chapter Check-in
9:00-9:30 Opening Session
9:45-11:45 HOSA Breakout Sessions
11:45-12:25 Lunch
12:35-1:45 Interprofessional Education & Patient Care Session
1:45 Depart
$30.00 per person
Middle School & Secondary Divisions Registration and Forms
Registration Window is October 1-20, 2024
Students and advisors must be affiliated to register for the FLC. There are no chapter limits for the number of students to attend. Late registrations will be accepted through October 22nd and the chapter will be charged a $25 late fee. No registrations will be accepted after this date. Substitutions are allowed. Complete and submit the registration process through the HOSA Online System. Once registration is complete, obtain a chapter invoice and send payment to the Wisconsin HOSA State Office by October 31, 2024. Checks or ACH payments are accepted but not credit cards.
Advisor/Chaperone Code of Conduct & Participant Form
Downloadable forms in Word and Pdf versions
Student Code of Conduct & Participant Form
Downloadable forms in Word and Pdf versions
The HOSA State Office requires that each attendee complete the FLC Code of Conduct. Completed forms need to be turned in during chapter check-in at the conference.

Wednesday, November 6th - Verona, Epic Campus

Thursday, November 7th - Oshkosh, UW Oshkosh

Goals and Planning
Local Chapter Advisor Responsibilities
Register attendees and send payment to Wisconsin HOSA.
Have each participant read and complete the Attendee Code of Conduct and Participant Form prior to the event. Form copies need to be turned into the State Office at conference check-in and the original copy retained by the chapter advisor.
Each chapter with registered students must have one advisor or chaperone registered to attend.
Arrange travel to and from event.
Chapter Planning Details
Choose one date and location to attend.
Chapter advisors registered will receive an email with their chosen location specific information on Friday, October 20, 2023.
Chapters may wear local chapter t-shirts and/or appropriate business attire. No jeans. Delegates should present a professional appearance.
Conference Goals
Provide a variety of educational and social learning activities at a state level for HOSA members.
Provide HOSA members the opportunity to share common experiences in leadership, development, community service, and understanding of their health science programs.
Provide information about current healthcare issues and concerns at the local, state, and global level in health science and HOSA .
Foster attitudes of good ethical practices and respect for the dignity of others.
Provide educational workshops that promote the development of students and further the mission of HOSA.